A Young Man With Iritis, Nephritis And Hepatitis
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Princess Royal University Hospital, Farnborough, UK
Online publication date: 2007-10-15
Publication date: 2007-10-15
Corresponding author
Anuroop Gogi   

Medical Senior House Officer, Princess Royal University Hospital, Farnborough, Kent BR6 8ND, United Kingdom. Tel : 01689 863000, Fax : 01689 863597
Eur J Gen Med 2007;4(4):213-216
The association between sarcoidosis and vasculitis is not well documented in literature. This case report is one of the rare instances where both occur together. However the significance of this still needs to be understood. Vasculitis as a result of granulomatous inflammation caused by sarcoid has been documented where no other cause of vasculitis can be found.
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