Pyoderma Gangrenosum Presenting with Pulmonary Cavitary Lesions
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Selcuk University, Meram Medical Faculty, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Konya, Turkey
Selcuk University, Meram Medical Faculty, Department of Pathology Konya, Turkey
Selcuk University Meram Medical Faculty, Department of Neurology, Konya Turkey
Online publication date: 2009-04-15
Publication date: 2009-04-15
Corresponding author
Emine Genç
Selçuk Üniversitesi Meram Tıp Fakültesi Göğüs Hastalıkları AD Meram, Konya, Türkiye
Eur J Gen Med 2009;6(2):131-135
Neutrophilic dermatoses like pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) are characterized by sterile, neutrophilic, cutaneous infiltrates. Extracutenous neutrophilic infiltrations may also be seen, but pulmonary involvement is very rare and usually characterized by patchy infiltrates or interstitial pneumonitis. In this case, a PG case who had cutenous lesions and large cavitary lung nodules, is reported. He was a 49 years old male patient whose thorax computed tomography revealed multiple pulmonary nodules with central necrosis. In his transbronchial and bronchial biopsies, nonspecific inflammatory aseptic nodules were detected corresponded to the pathologic findings of skin lesion biopsies. A dramatic response was occured after applying corticosteroid and immunesupressive treatment. In conclusion, cavitary pulmonary nodules of our case were thought to be due to pulmonary involvement of PG.
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