Three-Dimensional Volume Rendering Imaging in Detection of Bone Fractures
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Yüzüncü Yıl University, Faculty of Medicine, Departments of Radiodiagnostic and Orthopedi, Van, Turkey
Online publication date: 2004-10-15
Publication date: 2004-10-15
Corresponding author
Ömer Etlik
Yuzuncu Yil Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakultesi Hastanesi, Radyoloji Anabilim Dalı
65200 Van, Turkey
Phone: +904322143752
Fax: +904322167519
Eur J Gen Med 2004;1(4):48-52
We aimed to evaluate the contribution of 3D volume rendering (VR) imaging findings on bone fractures. Routine CT examinations and 3D VR imaging were performed on 31 patients with bone fractures. MIP and VR images having optimal resolution in all patients were obtained using 3D reconstructions on work-station. Bone fractures and extension, bone fragment, and soft tissue changes were evaluated. Distribution of bone fractures were as follows; clavicula (n=4), radius (n=8), acetabulum (n=3), shoulder (n=4), tibia (n=6), carpal bone (n=2), sacrum (n=1) and femur (n=3). Complex fractures were seen one in scapula and 2 in pelvic region. Complex injuries, bone fragments, extension of fractures were better demonstrated with volume-rendered images. We conclude that 3D VR imaging is valuable method in detecting bone fractures and superior to other radiologic modalities.