Bellini Duct Carcinoma of the Kidney and Liver Metastasis
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Ünye Government Hospital, Ordu, Turkey
Publication date: 2014-01-08
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Suat Keskin   

Ünye Government Hospital, Ordu, Turkey
Eur J Gen Med 2014;11(Supplement 1):11-13
We present clinical and radiological findings in a case of bellini duct carcinoma. This is a rare and aggressive kidney cancer originating from distal renal tubule. The patient underwent transperitoneal radical nephrectomy and the pathological report certified the diagnosis. Control computed tomography scan showed normal findings. But magnetic resonance imaging showed a heterogenous solid mass that is seen hypointense in T1 weighted imaging and hyperintensity in fat suppressed T2 weighted imaging in the liver. Microscopic examination revealed a deterioration structure, desmoplastic appearance and atypical cells with large hyperchromatic nucleus and evidence nucleolus. The histopathological diagnosis was a metastasis of bellini duct carcinoma.
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